In recognition of Outstanding Service to the Community

September 2020 - School recognised for outstanding service to the community
Yoxford & Peasenhall Primary school has been awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk. The award recognises the service provided by the school to the community during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Clare, Countess of Euston, H.M. Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk writes:
"I am writing to you today as Her Majesty The Queen's personal representative in Suffolk, to thank you for the contribution you have made, and are continuing to make, during the extraordinary and difficult circumstances caused bt the Covid-19 crisis.
"The innovation, collaboration, courage, and selflessness shown by so many across the County during this desperate time has been truly inspirational and uplifting. Our Schools, our Teachers and Support Staff have set a shining example of all that is best in Suffolk.
"The High Sheriff of Suffolk and I feel privileged to award you all the Lord Lieutenant's special Certificate of Merit for your remarkable contribution."